Phil Bredesen’s Dismal Record on Jobs

Democrat US Senate candidate Phil Bredesen is using a new ad in an attempt to muddy the water around his dismal performance on jobs as Tennessee Governor and Republicans are determined to not let him get away with the deception.

Phil Bredesen is out with another ad for his campaign for Senate ,touting the jobs he helped bring to the state during his tenure as governor — and Republicans are already criticizing it.

The spot begins airing statewide on Thursday, and the National Republican Senatorial Committee was quick to attack, saying the unemployment rate increased from 5.1 percent to 9.5 percent under Bredesen’s tenure.

“Phil Bredesen’s got a lot of nerve claiming he knows how to create jobs when the opposite happened under his watch,” said NRSC Spokesman Michael McAdams. “Whether it’s saving their tax cuts or spurring job creation, Tennessee voters know they can’t trust Phil Bredesen to protect their economic interests.”

In reality, the number of Tennesseans on unemployment nearly doubled under Bredesen’s stewardship and that’s only part of the story.

He’s “now said emphatically that he would have voted against the tax cuts that have been creating jobs across the country even before the cuts were implemented,” per a statement from the Tennessee GOP.

And there’s more, according to Candice Dawkins, TNGOP Communications Director:

“When Phil Bredesen was governor, unemployment dropped from 5.1 percent to 9.5 percent. He is backtracking to change his weak record, but Tennesseans won’t be fooled by misleading ads. They know Bredesen will just be a shill for Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer, and Marsha Blackburn is the only one who will represent their shared values in the Senate.”

Summing it up, under Bredesen, the unemployment rate in Tennessee increased from 5.1 percent to 9.5 percent and the number of unemployed Tennesseans increased from 149,524 to 296,405, 98 percent increase during his time as the state’s governor.

TNGOP is using numbers provided by the United States Bureau of Labor.



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4 Thoughts to “Phil Bredesen’s Dismal Record on Jobs”

  1. BILL

    Looking for information on Bredesen, I landed on this website by mistake. Wow. I guess this is what a right-wing website would tell a right-wing audience. You suggest Tennessee’s increased unemployment from 2003 to 2011 was tied to Bredensen and don’t even mention the Great Recession. Funny if it weren’t so deliberately misleading. Who believes this stuff?

  2. Bruce

    He’s a Democrat, He doesn’t care about jobs! Just increase taxes and pay the lazy people.

  3. Wolf Woman

    Because he had a successful health care business, people thought Bredesen would be a great mayor. Good luck. As well as his lack of understanding about basic economics, he made a terrible deal with Bud Adams to get the Houston Oilers, who became the Tennessee Titans, and build a stadium for them.

    Phil Bredesen is a typical East coast, elitist progressive who thinks that the “hicks” of Tennessee need someone of his caliber to represent them in Congress. LOL! I thought he retired to his second home out West. Too bad he he’s back

  4. 83ragtop50

    He is a Democrat. The truth does not matter.
